Even when I don't agree fully with Roger Ebert, I can understand his point of view. Not when it comes to Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Mr. Ebert and the rest of the film-reviewing world decided they didn't like this latest Michael Bay film. They didn't understand the story, thought there were too many explosions. The comedy, they said, was sub-par, nonsensical.
I and the rest of the film-viewing world beg to differ. The film raked in $201 million this weekend. I saw it on Sunday, and as I was leaving my noon-time screening at the megaplex, hundreds more people were standing in line. Many for a second time.
"I didn't expect to like it," an elderly woman said on her way out. "But it was good, and it had a lot of chuckles."
"That. Was. Awesome," a little boy told his father.
I agree with the kid.
If you ever owned a Hasbro Transformers toy as a kid, were a fan of the cartoon or enjoyed the first Bay film, you'll most definitely enjoy Revenge of the Fallen.
I and the rest of the film-viewing world beg to differ. The film raked in $201 million this weekend. I saw it on Sunday, and as I was leaving my noon-time screening at the megaplex, hundreds more people were standing in line. Many for a second time.
"I didn't expect to like it," an elderly woman said on her way out. "But it was good, and it had a lot of chuckles."
"That. Was. Awesome," a little boy told his father.
I agree with the kid.
If you ever owned a Hasbro Transformers toy as a kid, were a fan of the cartoon or enjoyed the first Bay film, you'll most definitely enjoy Revenge of the Fallen.