It ain't as bad as they say (9 percent on RottenTomatoes! Really?!).
Yes, the dialogue is a bit banal.
Yes, Brendan Fraser doesn't do much real acting here.
Yes, Maria Bello seems out of place here (oh, Rachel Weisz, you could have made this sooo much better!).
Yes, the story is a bit trite.
Yes, there are waaaay better action adventure flicks in the cineplex and at the video store.
But the Tomb of the Dragon Emperor is still passable family entertainment. It stomps the second flick in the series into smithereens. And you won't be absolutely bored. You'll laugh, actually, at parts. You'll root for the good guys. You'll enjoy the action sequences, particularly the second, when the creatures that look like North Pole cousins to Wookies show up and do damage to the psycho general and his minions.
As I walked out of the theater, I asked myself: If the studio had saw fit to simply keep the story in the past, centered on Michelle Yeoh (above) and Jet Li's (below) characters, would it have been a thousand times better? Probably.
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