Thursday, May 28, 2009

Return of the Slayer?

So, two of the producers of Buffy the Vampire Slayer are talking about rebooting the franchise. This would awesome considering the UPN show and its spin-off Angel were, shall we say, seriously kick ass escapism. The problem, though, is the absence of idea man, Joss Whedon. Now, we admit Whedon's newest series, Dollhouse, was some stupid sh*t, but the Buffyverse he penned was top-notch genre TV with smarts. What has Fran Kazui done since Buffy (and did you even know the name before I asked this question)? Well, she and her husband, Kaz, bank-rolled Angel (also Whedon's idea) and produced nothing else, according to IMDB. If they don't bring Whedon in on this reboot, I pray they get no support and their idea dies where it now stands.

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