Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Half Blood Prince Trailer Out. Finally

In the sixth book of the Harry Potter series, Half Blood Prince, J.K. Rowling takes us into the heart of darkness, examines through the memories of Albus Dumbledore the creation of Tom Riddle into the world's darkest wizard.

The ailing headmaster, knowing his death is forthcoming, spends his last months with Harry showing the boy wizard all that he knows, because he believes Harry is the only wizard alive capable of defeating Lord Voldemort; the two are connected like no other two beings living.

Half Blood Prince was one of my favorite of the book series. In November, fans of the books and films will get David Yates' cinematic interpretation of the work. Based on the first trailer for the November release, it seems Yates understands the importance of this central thread to the mythology of Rowling's work.

Certainly, there are numerous important threads in this semi-final chapter of the seven-part series. We see none of the rest in the trailer. But we are pleased nonetheless.

The countdown begins!